Martes, Disyembre 15, 2015


                    Tagline:   SPICE UP YOUR DAY!


     Make my customer aware the brand or Brand Awareness

Using my my own strategy when it comes on packaging, i believe that proposition because i will inform the customer about my brand that way i easily encourage them to purchase my product.

Costumer Feedback

 I want my costumer response through their feedback about my product for the fulfilling needs for my product regarding on taste and etc. because high levels of customer satisfaction are strong predictors of customer retention, customer loyalty, and product repurchase.

Lunes, Disyembre 14, 2015

Target Market & features of Chili Cheese Powder

       My target market are the retailers like groceries , market, sari-sari stores households and specially near at production site.
       Consumer insight are the features, benefits and the packaging of my product, particularly for the items that are used ones at a time, having individual compartments can keep them ready  whenever the consumer needed it and this also allows the consumer view the product before purchasing.
       The important feature of my product are the health benefits, my competitive advantage is the combination of chili powder and cheese powder and if you to mix some cheese on spicy recipe, my product have already cheese flavor, less time for looking cheese powder and also less money to buy that powder, the unique personality of my product is to make your spicy food tastier plus the health benefits for the consumer.

Chili Cheese Powder Benifits

I perceive my product for making my customer satisfy through the benefits and features of my product. Chili Cheese Powder contains sufficient amount of vitamin A which fulfills one's daily intakes and beside, it contributes maintenance of the eyesight and take care of bones, teeth, skin, internal membranes and reproductive system. It is also acts as an excellent anti oxidant due to the presence of vitamin B in abundance vitamin C is essential for strengthening the immune system, healing injuries and fighting against damage cause by free radicals which can otherwise increase the chances of developing harmful health conditions like cancer and heart disease. I make the nutrition fact for the product because now a days most of the customer are health conscious, the good combination of chili and cheese flavor this is the way to make some twist on spicy recipe.


   Chili powder is the dried, pulverized fruit of One or more varieties of Chili Pepper, sometimes with the addition of the spices. It used as a spice to add cheese, cheese powder is most commonly used from cheddar but can come in Swiss, sharp and a few other varieties,  why i combined the cheese to chili because cheese powder in recipes is most commonly used for flavoring sometimes a cheese will taste either bland or pungent, specially in the case of goat milk cheese, and the addition of cheese powder this will make some twist for spicy foods.

Chili cheese Powder